Not only in Nove but throughout the Veneto region, manufactures are distinguished by the highest standards of quality: illustrious productions that have their roots in the mists of time and have played a leading role in the development of a territory that is still today the reference point of the production of Made in Italy ceramics. The in-depth knowledge of the material, which characterizes 9010novantadieci, is explained by its tradition extremely rooted in the territory, which is home to one of our country's excellences: artistic craftsmanship.
Our ceramics are born in a region that is rich in raw materials and is developed on the banks of the Brenta River, which bounds it, to the east, for its entire length. The proximity to the river has in fact favored the settlement of numerous artisan activities that have been able to take advantage of the power of the water to develop in various sectors, first and foremost that of ceramics. Indeed, it is the Brenta River that was the engine that powered the mills for grinding the pebbles on the banks, which were then mixed into the mixtures and paints needed to produce ceramics. The centuries-old artisan tradition of Nove and its neighboring towns-including Bassano del Grappa-have contributed to its worldwide reputation as the "City of Ceramics."
Our history
One of the most developed and famous ceramic traditions is certainly the one of Bassano and Nove, which developed around the seventeenth century due to a number of factors that made this area become the reference point for ceramic production throughout the peninsula. Among the most important factors was certainly the presence of plastic clay, solder and kaolin in the subsoil, but above all the possibility of using the Brenta River both to transport finished products and lumber for the kiln and to use its waterpower to drive the mills.
Indeed, to knead and grind the stones that are still found in the riverbed today, required a motive power that at that time only a river could offer. The soil, with its mixture of earth and water, and the subsoil laid the foundation for the birth of the local craft tradition.
Our territory
The development of the Serenissima's production, on the other hand, is due to a very interesting socio-historical factor: the growing demand and spread in Europe of precious Chinese porcelain. This growth in demand prompted Dutch potters to imitate their work and invade the Serenissima market as well, so the Venetian Senate tried in 1728 to solve the problem by giving tax incentives to those who could produce porcelain and improve majolica. It is this stimulation of domestic production that led to the growth of the industry and the localization of production in these regions.
9010novantadieci has a clear approach: to work with respect for the environment, the territory and traditions, with the awareness that only by protecting the territory and those who inhabit it is possible to grow over time. This kind of approach implies constant improvement of technologies and production processes in oder to reduce waste and allow the reuse of every possible resource, thus respecting the environment.
Birth in Nove
Belfiore was born in 1968 right in Nove, in the heart of Veneto, along the banks of the Brenta River. It all began with the production of handcrafted ceramics, perfectly embedded in a context of great manufacturing tradition and boasting a remarkable wealth of raw materials. The debut in the lighting sector came in the 1980s, with the idea of associating light with ceramics. Thus, the first bedside lamps were born. A few years later, the company's innovative spirit led it to design the first ceramic wall sconce, still available in the catalog today.
We have to leap forward to 2011, however, to witness the appearance of 9010novantadieci, a company that peeped into the recessed lighting sectoralmost impetuously, and within a short time managed to make a name for itself and stand out both for the richness of its range and its innovative philosophy, as well as for the contemporary solutions available to customers. The company's innovative streak and such a close relationship with the concept of "light" finds its greatest expression in the wide range of innovative materials for which it holds patents, including CRISTALY®, BETALY®, ALUMITE® and many others.
The 9010novantadieci philosophy
The concept of "light as life", as a source of heat and as a source of energy, is the basis of the modus operandi chosen by 9010novantadieci. Since the late 1960s, the desire to innovate has been one of its hallmarks, along with passion. The starting point is the desire to grow, with the awareness that one's identity can only evolve by following tradition.
This is the reason why the company has a long history of awards and success, which has helped it to acquire a leading role not only on the national scene, but also on major international markets. A history of more than half a century translates, among other things, into considerable experience, which in turn generates strong know-how and an optimal balance between innovation and tradition
Commitment and inspiration
Thanks to years of commitment and inspiration, 9010novantadieci currently has all the credentials to be considered, in its sector, a point of reference both in Italy and in the rest of the world. On the international scene, the quality that characterizes Made in Italy products is highly appreciated, and the goal is to continue the path of evolution.
Hand-made, craftsmanship, and quality materials are concepts that are slowly being lost and are gradually being replaced by modern technologies. This is not the case with 9010novantadieci, which has believed in the uniqueness of each individual product and the craftsmanship of its employees for more than 50 years.
We create products of light, handmade by people who love what they make.
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