XYZ FACTORY - Michele Barberio
live all the possible declinations
Casa MATERiA, whose name wants to express immediately the identity and the deep nature of a house inserted in a particular historical and urban context, comes from a precise human and cultural project, even before architectural. In a city like Matera, where everything is conformed to the eternal charm of a material like tuff with which man has been in relationship since the beginning of his history, it seemed essential to root the idea of home to the very concept of matter.
Matera is an ancient city that still today is the perfect expression of a long and complex settlement process evolved over many centuries and that has been able to make synthesis between different concomitant factors on the geological, architectural, social and economic: a particular form of urbanization and landscape organization, generated by a great poverty of means, but supported by an inexhaustible and tenacious will to settle.
Until 2017 it was an old abandoned lamione; today in the same space takes shape a housing proposal that expresses in a clear and precise the will of two brothers from Puglia, who chose to live in Matera.
Ph. XYZ FACTORY - Carmine Picaro