From tradition to innovation, the ceramic material distinguishes the history of 9010novantadieci and comes to life in the light.

CERAMICA 9010® is a fascinating art rich in history, whose processing has evolved over time, passing from manual processing to the use of techniques to speed up production. In seeking to remain as faithful as possible to manual processing, our collections present this historic art that is then exalted to creating unique 9010novantadieci ceramic, an ennobled and refined material that is nonetheless respectful of tradition, so as not to lose that touch of customisation, attention to detail and craftsmanship that belongs to us all and which cannot just be cast aside.

Our first love that we have studied, observed, played with and formed. We gave it life thanks to the light.

CERAMICA 9010® is made with select mineral clays, thanks to an artisanal production process and as the result of an ancient manufacturing tradition. The skilled hands of our ceramicists are able to shape this material without distorting it, in preserving its historical characteristics. A story of passion that distinguishes 9010novantadieci.

Every product is carefully made at our historic premises in Nove (VI) whilst every detail in the surface and colour testifies to their uniqueness and meticulous artisan production.