We asked Clelia Cadamuro, who created the photo insert in our 2022 Outdoor Catalogue, to answer some questions about the collaboration with 9010novantadieci, and to tell us something about her reality.
Who is Clelia Cadamuro?
My name is Clelia Cadamuro and I work with photography and visual arts. I have a dual education in painting and photography, degrees I obtained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice and at the ISIA in Urbino. My research develops around themes related to the relationship with the natural world, an interest that is always present in my projects but that is declined differently according to the commissions for which I work.
In my work as a photographer, I try to create visual content that goes beyond a purely didactic representation: what interests me is to create images or sequences that use an unprecedented and exemplary register, that can generate unexpected atmospheres using color as a vehicle.
I took care of the realization of the photographic insert in the 2022 Outdoor Catalogue for 9010novantadieci, commissioned by Studio Ottone, who managed the artistic direction of the project and the editorial design of the catalogue. I work mainly in northern Italy and I live in Venice; my works are visible on www.cleliacadamuro.com
What is the idea behind the photographic project for the Outdoor Catalogue?
The starting idea proposed by the artistic direction was to build a photographic sequence that could tell the dialogue between the company, the territory in which it is located and the link with nature. The material used in the processing of products, coming from native natural elements, was a fundamental point to be included in the project. We then decided to represent this link through combinations of images that told this unique relationship.
What was the impression of 9010novantadieci? What struck you most about our reality?
I was immediately struck by the attention paid to the environment; the element of nature is ubiquitous in the development of the different processes and is treated with great care, as well as with great accuracy that is noted by observing the high-quality products. In addition to this, another added value is the coexistence of craft techniques and a modern style in their products.
What was the most complicated part to develop? Which was the most interesting?
The most complex part was to understand how to tell the right amount of information about the company, maintaining a good balance between natural and evocative images and others that were able to show products and processes. The decision to focus on a story built with many details and close-up was an excellent solution for the success of a smooth and original sequence.
We wanted both sides to emerge, the natural and landscape and the company and craft, without one prevailing over the other; however, after several tests with multiple attempts at combinations, we found a way to create a homogenous and authentic photographic project.
The most interesting thing about this collaboration was definitely having the opportunity to work on a theme very close to my interests as an artist, also having the opportunity to develop it with freedom, thanks to the trust I was given in the design phase.
"In the town of Nove, the Brenta river splits into several branches, forming sandy islets. Our journey which, one step at a time, takes us to the Oasis of the Brenta, begins on these pieces of emersed land. Along the way the stones become pebbles, sand, then water and vice versa. Observing the relationship between elements, and the way they change with the passing of the seasons, we find the inspiration that feeds the creative richness of the transformation process of raw materials. Marble dust, quartz, and fluvial sands are the organic materials that arise from and return to nature, carefully shaped by 9010novantadieci to make designer lighting."