Arch. Virginia Antoranz Boronat - Agr. Dott. Michele Patuzzi - Ing. Tommaso Zorzi
Light and environment
The new urban forest in Bassano del Grappa was realized thanks to the recovery and redevelopment of the northern park of Villa Angaran San Giuseppe, to date the only Venetian Villa dedicated to social inclusion and citizenship development activities. Agreen space designed for people, contributing locally to the worldwide planting of the "thousand billion trees expected by 2050" (from the "World economic forum") for the fight against climate change through 269 new trees of14 native species of the Venetian planitial ecosystem through companies, entities and individuals who choose to invest in environmental prevention and a more sustainable future. A wonderful project, in which 9010novantadieci sees the same ideals of environmental protection reflected, supporting and sustaining it from the beginning. In fact, we have chosen to collaborate and contribute to the supply of 77 splendid ELLE bollards, art. 1093, handmade in BETALY®, which will illuminate the entire new urban forest in a soft and non-polluting way.